Saturday, June 20, 2009

How I Spend my Thursdays this Summer...

I have the opportunity to spend a few hours each Thursday with some great children.
Here are some pictures from last Thursday!
They have a VERY talented is her website for your viewing pleasure:

{This is my friend M (which I will call him in my posts!) He is such a big help...and let me tell you he is one smart little cookie! }

{This is B...he just melts my heart! }

{Sweet E...I keep telling E & M that I have to learn how to speak 2 year old talk...I keep thinking she is talking about the Amish...I have not yet figured out what she is saying!}

1 comment:

Katherine Marie! said...

I am so LUCKY to have you!!!! Creating, playing, and going on mini adventures... they enjoy every single moment. :):) Yes, they ADORE you!!! Thanks for being so amazing.