I am thankful for the beliefs that I have. This week at school one of our first graders passed away. He had been sick with cancer for a long time. I had his sister in my kindergarten class. You know when the principal calls over the intercom for all staff to meet in the library right away...something is up. Josh passed away on Wednesday night. It was a somber end of the week at school. This little guy touched the lives of everyone that he met. Last night was the viewing...I went with other fellow teachers, and today was the funeral. I am emotionally drained that I did not attend this morning. I did however, pass by the funeral home as they were heading to the cementary. The herse was followed by firetrucks, Josh loved firemen, and many, many cars. Many of the cars were filled with co-workers who musterd up enough courage to attend this morning. As I sat in my car while the possesion drove on, I had tears streaming down my face. He is now at peace...he is not in pain...my thoughts and prayers go to his family that they may be comforted in this time. I will post soon with the story of the Christmas tree that our school was blessed with this week.