Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We are home...

Hello! We made it home about 3:30 AM this morning. We were in bed at 3:45 AM...the I was up at 6:15 AM today for the first day of school. Damon also went back to work today...we will not take such late flights again. We are so tired. I am sure that as soon as Damon gets home from work, we will maybe have dinner and go right to bed. Oh, it was so nice to sleep for a couple of hours in our own bed last night. Bless my mom for making early morning, and late night runs to Chicgao to drop us off and pick us up. We had a nice time with Damon's family...but it is really nice to be home. More later...can't keep the eyes open!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I MISSED YOU! Call me!