Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Holidays...already?

Happy Holidays...already?

I was out and about running errands today...and you would of thought Christmas was just a view days away. I went into Hobby Lobby to pick up some ribbon and I could not even make my way through the Christmas Seasonal isle ways. I love the joy and energy of the holiday season. So many people have gotten away from doing for others in the way of service...helping the needy. I hear what some people spend on 'things' for gifts and it makes my mouth drop open. As I get older, I basically have everything I need in life...and what I don't have, I can go out and get for myself. My husband and I were going to buy each other our passports for Christmas. My in-laws live in Canada...we need to be prepared to go at anytime if the need arises. My mom is actually buying our passports for our Christmas gift. A few years ago, we went to go see WICKED with almost front row center tickets. I would much rather do something all together with my family then get things that are just 'things' to set around the house. One of my grandmas gives to us each year a piece of china or something from my relatives that have passed on. Things are the "THINGS" that I LOVE to get. What I am trying to get at is that too many people are getting away from the Spirit of Christmas. I encourage you to get back to the basics, find someone who might be in need that you could help out.

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